TODAY IS A BLESSING, see you on the mat

Yoga Teacher Training
300 Hours

Yoga Teacher Training
300 HR YTT

In this training you will dive into your spiritual practice to uncover your dharma (purpose) as a yoga teacher. Antarvedi means “dwelling in the place that lies between.” We chose this as the name for our advanced teacher training at Jai because as yoga teachers and practitioners we dwell in this complicated space between the longing for living a spiritual life while being born into material world that we live in. Here we are pondering heaven while abiding on earth, feeling the grounding beneath our own two feet whilst basking in the mystical world that surrounds us.

You will

  • Find your “WHY”
  • Expand your knowledge and understanding of yoga
  • Learn and practice creative sequencing techniques
  •  Become more confident and competent in giving hands on assists
  • Unpack postures and how to communicate safe alignment
  • Understand how subtle energy can assist your classes
  • Find and use your authentic voice in the classroom
  • Set a personal Sankalpa for the training and beyond: finding your “WHY”
  • Learn sacred chanting, storytelling & harmonium
  • Develop skills to teach intelligently through advanced anatomy
  • Refine your method of communication in the classroom
  • Cultivate your own sadhana


Comming Soon


Comming Soon


Full Tuition: $3880
Paid in full by June 1: $3700
Paid in full by August 1: $3790

Payment Plans

Payment plans available.
Please contact us for details!


Limited space available. A $600 (non-refundable) deposit is required to reserve your spot.
Please join Meg + Dustin Horan (Directors) and many special guest teachers on a journey that will change the way you see yourself,
your practice and the world forever.

Let us know more about you

Share with us what inspires you to become a Yoga Teacher


For your convenience, we offer different signup options
Yoga Teacher Training 300 Hours - Singerland NY
Yoga Teacher Training 300 Hours - Singerland NY
Yoga Teacher Training 300 Hours - Singerland NY

What our Newly trained
Yoga Teachers are saying

Yoga Teacher Training Instructors

Meg - Yoga Teacher Training Instructor


Born and raised in Albany, NY by a lineage of school teachers – I came to yoga after years of self-destructive behavior, partying and heading down the wrong path in the fast lane. I stumbled into a yoga class at a gym attempting to “change my life,” and something just clicked with me there. I continued my practice for a couple years at the gym and local studios until I stumbled upon a teacher that brought me to tears every single class. Something was moving, shifting inside of me. I was going through some big changes in my life and yoga became my form of medicine and healing. After sticking with that teacher (thanks Elex for the years of crying savasanas) for a number of years, one day in class as we were prompted to set our intention, I knew I wanted to share this gift that was given to me through the ever-marvelous practice of yoga. I pursued my first yoga teacher training and was lucky to be able to teach for a while at some wonderful local studios. I soon after pursued a second teacher training, sprinkled with inspiring workshops and continuing education opportunities with master teachers nationally over the years. I am so lucky to have crossed paths with such wonderful teachers and numerous students that have opened my eyes to the intricacies and magic of this practice and encouraged me to continue expand my studies and stay ever inspired (and mesmerized!). Eventually along the way my husband and I decided it was time to embark on opening our own studio, Jai and the rest is history! One of my passions has always been building community and I am now able to nourish a community that is so special and important to me, my own journey, and with the hand of Divine Grace, the Capital Region at large.
Dustin - Yoga Teacher Training Instructor


In 2012 Dustin grew tired of a wreckless, carefree, partying lifestyle that accompanied him through the majority of his adult life. Feeling as though he had no other option he decided to take refuge in clean living. With a new diet underway, a budding yoga practice (under the tutelage of Meg Allen) and a new perspective on life; Dustin took the plunge to take a trip to the Mother Land of yoga, India. There he discovered that there was so much more to yoga beyond the physical practice that he had just embarked on back home. On this life-changing retreat, he also met both of his teachers, Raghunath and Sondra Loring, who he soon after completed his 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training with. Dustin inspires others through his story to take a different approach to their lives and their practices. He is living proof that change is not only possible, but can be fun and exciting. Dustin is forever grateful for this practice of yoga, which has now intertwined his love of travel and taken him back to India and other places like Germany, Mexico, and Costa Rica.


Mandy Koennecke, MS, NNP-BC, RYT-500
It was time to take better care of myself. With a background in martial arts, I was drawn to yoga as an ancient art, but the idea of going to a class was intimidating. With the encouragement of a dear friend, I walked in to the beautiful space. Finding my practice was like a breath of fresh air. In time, I was inspired to complete teacher certifications with renowned yoga teacher, Meg Horan at JAI Yoga School.

I invite you to embark on a journey of self discovery through insightfully sequenced classes with a comprehensive foundation in science infused with the love of bhakti yoga. Expect to move, feel, smile, and challenge yourself wherever you are in your practice with kindness and encouragement. Your yoga is waiting for you.

When I am not practicing asana, I enjoy family time with my husband and 4 children, painting, coastal vacations, and my work as a neonatal nurse practitioner.

Serving in gratitude for my teachers and community.

Do you have any questions about our
Teacher Training program?
Get in touch with us, We are happy to help you

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