TODAY IS A BLESSING, see you on the mat

Prepare for your Visit

Heated VS Non Heated Classes

JAI is proud to offer HOT YOGA with a state-of-the-art infrared heating system. Infrared heat is known to boost your circulation, which increases the capability of your body to transport toxins to your liver and kidneys so they may process and eliminate them. Higher circulation also helps your body circulate nutrients and oxygens, aiding your body’s detoxification capabilities.

Classes labeled HOT or WARM are heated to varying temperatures based on class type. Please refer to the class descriptions above to learn specifics. Heated yoga is great for sweat enthusiasts! The heat helps your muscles get a natural warm-up. Make sure you hydrate properly before coming to a hot class and bring a large towel for your mat to help with sweat absorption. Try not to eat anything for at least 3 hours before HOT classes. A light snack is okay if you need it! 


  • Pre-register for class to ensure your spot.
  • Please try your best to arrive 10-15 min early. Doors may lock when class starts if we do not have front desk staff. Please know you will not be able to get into class late and will be considered a late cancelation if you show up after class begins.
  • Leaving early: If you know you have to leave early please inform the teacher before class. Kindly set up your mat in the back of the room (near the door) and sneak out before savasana to respect the peace of your classmates.
  • Please leave your cell phone in the lobby on silent. (If you are on call, inform your teacher why you have your phone with you.) We want to assist in creating space from all of the busy-ness of life!
  • Do not assist students unless it is your class or the teacher asks you to. This is a liability.
  • HEATED CLASSES – bring a sweat towel and a full-size towel. Clean up your sweat after class to ensure no one slips!
  • Sweaty People: Be mindful of the moisture you may track around the studio and please clean up after yourself.
  • Lead by example. Following rules of etiquette will trickle through the yoga community.

What to bring/wear

  • Wear comfortable clothing, class-type appropriate for sweating. In stronger classes expect to sweat more than gentler class! 
  • Come prepared with water and a yoga mat. 
  • HEATED CLASSES: Bring a sweat towel and a large/mat sized towel and water.
  • JAI has mats to rent and mats + towels for sale if you forget yours/want to buy one. We also have water for sale at the front desk.
  • Never hesitate to shoot us a note with any questions or concerns! 

SUMMER SALE July + August $180

Summer Sale
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