TODAY IS A BLESSING, see you on the mat
Core Flow Classes Slingerlands NY

Core Flow


flow ⦁ strengthen ⦁ empower

Core Flow focuses on stabilizing the center of your body, aka the “core.” The core includes the transverse abdominis, erector spinae, obliques and lower lats. These muscles work as stabilizers for your entire body. Core training includes doing specific exercises to develop and strengthen these stabilizer muscles and luckily our yoga practice gives us a lot of opportunity to work on this!

Keeping the core muscles strong can do wonders for your posture, help reduce lower back pain and provide more strength in your other activities, even our every-day practices like walking and running (for some)!

In this class, expect to use yoga and other creative core-strengthening modalities to strengthen, stabilize, and tone your core.

SUMMER SALE July + August $180

Summer Sale
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